All the Features You Need

Powerful subscriber management

Add, renew, and update subscribers quickly and easily.

Online ordering

Link your site to our ordering pages and never re-enter information again.

Upselling and cross-selling

Upsell merchandise and back issues when people subscribe to your publication or cross-sell your other titles.

Back issue & merchandise sales

Drive additional revenue by selling back issues, hats, t-shirts, and more.

Online digital content

Easy-to-use reporting

Dashboards and reports with insights that inspire you to take action.

Qualify & re-qualify subscribers

Add questions to the checkout form to qualify your subscribers automatically.

BPA & AAM audit support

Awesome customer support

Talk to people who know publishing whenever you need help.

Automatic Renewals

Cut down on marketing overhead, give your subscribers the convenience they deserve, and get the best renewal rates possible.

USPS address validation

Every address is automatically validated, saving you time and money. SimpleCirc also verifies New Zealand addresses with the NZ Post API.

Invoicing and renewal efforts

Easily keep track of, and reach, the subscribers you need to invoice and renew.

Access your data like a boss

Simple-to-use exporting gives you unparalleled access to your data.

Your country, your currency

Price your publication in the currency that makes sense for your subscribers. SimpleCirc supports Canadian magazines, Australian magazines, New Zealand magazines, UK magazines, and many more.

API & Webhooks

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