Spreadsheets were not designed to manage your circ

We get it, spreadsheets are free, and for a while you made it work. But there is a point when your subscriber management needs a tool the was built for the task.

  • Eliminate manual data entry
  • Send renewal efforts like a pro
  • Let subscribers manage their own subscriptions
stop using spreadsheets to management your publication's subscribers
Is SimpleCirc for Me?

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Join hundreds of publishers who made the switch.

We've helped so many publishers, just like you, make the switch from spreadsheets.

And every one of them has found it well worth it.

The time & effort you'll save will be a game changer!

Brookhaven Messenger Newspaper Detroit Jewish News Newspaper
The Compass Magazine South Dakota regional lifestyle magazine
International Security Journal Mothering Journal Magazine
RV Today Magazine
simplify publication subscription checkout
Eliminate manual data entry

Stop taking orders on your site and entering them into your spreadsheet.

Link your site to your checkout page on SimpleCirc and all of your orders go right into your circ management software.

Send renewal efforts like a pro

Automate your emails and letters to save time & money

Start auto renewing your subscribers and take advantage of our automated emails and letters. You'll spend less time on efforts and your renewal rates will soar!

automatically send subscriber renewal notice letters
Ready to Simplify Your Circ?
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Is SimpleCirc for Me?

Take our 60-second quiz to find out if SimpleCirc is right for your publication.