Managing your circ in-house isn't hard

When the cost of outsourcing becomes too much, doing it yourself, for less, is the answer. But it has to be super efficient to make sense.

That's where we come in.

  • Automated Renewal Emails & Letters
  • No-touch Subscriber Support
  • Data Insight & Control
manage your magazine circulation in-house
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Let's be honest, fulfillment houses cost too much!

We get it. Your fulfillment house is no longer worth it but the idea of managing your circulation in house seems daunting.

  • What software will you use?
  • Will you need to hire more people?
  • How do you get your list to the printer?
  • Who will send your renewal notices?

Fear not! SimpleCirc makes it easy to go "in-house" with the team you already have.

Girls Life Magazine Midwest Outdoors publication Kazoo magazine for kids Deseret News newspaper Professional Mariner trade publication Maxim Magazine
automatically send renewal letters to your magazine subscribers
Automated Renewal Emails & Letters

You don't even need to find a mailshop!

SimpleCirc can send all of your renewal emails for you.
No separate software needed.

We also have our own mailshop. For 79 cents per piece we'll send your letters for you.

And ... we automate the whole thing. Set it and forget it. Your renewal notices will always go out on time!

No-touch Subscriber Support

Let your subscribers help themselves so you don't have to

Our subscriber portal makes it easy for them to help themselves, freeing you up to focus on other things.

When they do need to reach out, you'll have all the tools to service them quickly and efficiently.

Most of our publishers spend only minutes a day.

publication subscription management portal
Data Insight & Control

Take back control of your circ.
Your subscribers will thank you!

No one cares about your subscriber's satisfaction as much as you do. And no one cares about the success of your publication as much as you do.

Understand your data, service your subscribers with the care they deserve, and watch your circulation thrive!

all the important magazine subscription management information in one place
Ready to Simplify Your Circ?
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Is SimpleCirc for Me?

Take our 60-second quiz to find out if SimpleCirc is right for your publication.