Automated Renewal Letters

Save time & money and see your renewal rates skyrocket!

SimpleCirc Pro Feature

One of the biggest time-sucks we hear about from magazine, newspaper, and newsletter publishers is, organizing and sending renewal notices. Specifically, sending whitemail renewal letters through a mail shop. (although sending renewal emails can be a pain too) To get your renewal letters out each month, you need to pull a list of the subscribers who should get an effort, get that list to the mail shop, proof the letter template, and often much more.

The undertaking can be so great that often publishers will skip efforts when they get too busy. Or at the very least, they end up doing fewer efforts each year than they would if it didn't take so much time.

What if you could send renewal letters every month automatically with out any effort at all? That's exactly what SimpleCirc's automated renewal letters will do. SimpleCirc knows which subscribers should be getting a letter. You just set up your letter templates once and then like clockwork SimpleCirc will send them through our mail shop. And, better yet, at 81 cents per piece for 4-color standard mail with perforated paper and a return envelope, our automated process should save you money too!

Furthermore, the letters mailed by SimpleCirc will have two major improvements over the ones you are sending now.

First, SimpleCirc adds a QR Code to the letter that contains our "one-click renewal link". By simply scanning the QR code with their smartphone camera the subscriber can renew their subscription online in seconds. They will be taken directly to the renewal checkout page with all of their information pre-populated. Then they just enter their credit card info or click the PayPal button and they are immediately renewed!

Second, SimpleCirc adds a bar code to each letter that can be used by you if the subscriber renews with a check or credit card by mailing in the remitance slip. With a simple barcode scanner attached to your laptop, you can scan the letter and imediately enter the order. No searching. Minimal typing. Just enter the check number or the credit card info and your done!

SimpleCirc digital magazine flipbook viewer

SimpleCirc automated renewal letters will save a ton of time, will save you money on each peice, and will increase your subscription renewal rates. Now that's a win-win-win situation!

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