"NOW, OBJECT" by Aaron Cohick

Volume 2010 - Issue 1

Hand Papermaking's 2010 Year-end Broadside featured "NOW, OBJECT" is a poem written specifically for Hand Papermaking by Aaron Cohick, proprietor of NewLights Press, who is an independent publisher of experimental literature and artists’ books, and recently the new printer at The Press at Colorado College. Kyle Van Horn, letterpress printer and proprietor of The Baltimore Print Studio, created the design. The ornament for this broadside was designed by William Knipsche, a graduate student at Maryland Institute College of Art. The printer is Gail Deery, who printed the broadside at The Baltimore Print Studio. The paper, measuring 8.5” x 14” and trimmed for printing, was created and editioned by Beck Whitehead. It is all cotton, mostly cotton rag, and contains some cotton linter and recycled cotton fibers. The lightly pigmented paper base is pulp painted with blue and yellow.

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Hand Papermaking, Inc.
(651) 447-7143

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