"From the Silk Road" by Bernie Vinzani

Volume 2015 - Issue 1

For the 2015 edition of Hand Papermaking's Year-end Broadside, Kerri Cushman and Bernie Vinzani collaborated on this 12×18 gift broadside to encourage your support. Watermarked, laminated, and letterpress printed, it is a lovely tribute to those who journeyed the paper road before us, and encouragement for today’s travelers. Handmade paper, watermark, and poem created by Bernie Vinzani at the University of Maine at Machias, with assistance from J. Archer, K. Kelling, E. Socker, K. Walsh, C. Whitman. Watermark inspired by cross-section view from “Modern Papermaking” by Robert Henderson Clapperton and William Henderson, Ernest Benn Limited, 1929. Layout and image designed by Kerri Cushman at Longwood University in Farmville, VA. Letterpress printed using polymer plates and flexi cut with assistance from L. Kahler and A. Mixner. Edition of 100.


Hand Papermaking, Inc.
(651) 447-7143

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