This is a one issue subscription to issue #23 – Jul/Aug 2022 in PRINT.
Shipping is included in price.
Contents include:
An up-to-date calendar of automobilia events along with the latest news in the industry.
An up-to-date calendar of automobilia auctions.
Special Features:
Artist Spotlight: David Snyder - pages 22-24
Collector Spotlight: David Bausch - pages 30-35
Event Spotlight: Chicagoland Show - page 48
Ferrari Automobilia - pages 50-54
Regular Columns:
Car Badges - pages 38-41
Auctions Report - pages 44-46
Vintage Posters - pages 56-57
Automobilia at the Museum - pages 58-59
Gas & Oil - pages 60-62
Automotive Art - pages 64-66
Vintage Auto Photography - pages 68-70
Collectible Books - pages 72-74
Collecting Model Cars - pages 76-79
Retro Pin-Up Girls - page 82