Relive History through the pages of AutoMobilia Resource magazine.

Automobilia and petroliana industry professionals write about history, current values, and the sheer joy of collecting!

Includes detailed auction reports, industry news, and up-to-date automobilia event and auction calendars.

Printing 6x annually with quality photography and graphics on beautiful high-end paper stock.

Jan/Feb - ships by Dec 12 - available in Dig-Flip by Dec 28

Mar/Apr - ships by Feb 12 - available in Dig-Flip by Feb 23

May/Jun - ships by Apr 12 - available in Dig-Flip by Apr 23

JulyAug - ships by Jun 12 - available in Dig-Flip by Jun 23

Sep/Oct - ships by Aug 12 - available in Dig-Flip by Aug 23

Nov/Dec - ships by Oct 12 - available in Dig-Flip by Oct 23

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AutoMobilia Resource Digital Flip Subscription - 6 issue: Includes access to 8 back issues.

AutoMobilia Resource