This is a one issue subscription to issue #37 – Nov/Dec 2024 in PRINT.
Shipping is included in price.
Contents include:
An up-to-date calendar of automobilia events along with the latest news in the industry.
An up-to-date calendar of automobilia auctions.
Special Features:
Event Spotlight: Monterey Week - pages 20 & 22
Holiday Gift Guide - pages 40-45
Fisogni Museum: The Miscelatore - pages 66-71
Collecting Spotlight: Pagco Cars - pages 78-81
Picking with Rob Wolfe - pages 26-27
Pedal Cars - pages 30-34
Look What I Found - pages 29, 38-39, 46
Auctions Report - pages 48-50
Autographed Memorabilia - pages 52-54
Automotive Art - pages 56-59
Collectible Books - pages 60-65
Car Styling Drawings - pages 72-76
Artist Spotlight - pages 82-85
Collecting Model Cars - pages 86-91
Retro Pin-Up Girls - page 92