ONLY $7.95 - SAVE 20% OFF reg. price of $9.95 -- Our Fragrance Unit Study offers and uplifting aroma and character-building lessons—something for every age to enjoy! Pick your favorite scents as you step into the amazing realm of Fragrances! Learn about the many fascinating aspects of fragrance through lessons in English, Writing, Bible Study, History, Science, Math, Geography, Vocabulary & Spelling, Art, and a Word Search Puzzle! Discover the variety of fragrance that God designed and even used as part of His sanctuary service. Contemplate the spiritual lessons found in the flowers God created for us to enjoy as well as almost unlimited aromas in His Creation. (typically for Grades 5-8 but adaptable to other grades). Students will gain an understanding of this wondrous part of Creation along with the character-building lessons God intended. Includes teacher's answer keys and the Fragrance story from the Spring 2021 Edition of Creation Illustrated magazine. Enjoy a savings with this downloadable digital PDF Unit Study Lesson.