Sloth Unit Study

ONLY $7.95 - SAVE 20% OFF reg. price of $9.95 -- This Unit Study on Sloths will help you slow down and be awe-inspired at the wonders and design of these often misunderstood creatures. (typically for Grades 5-8 but adaptable to other grades and ages). Students will enjoy lessons that include: Reading, Educational Videos, Bible Study, Science, Arithmetic, Geography, Vocabulary & Spelling, Art, a Word Search Puzzle, and Other Fun Facts and Activities. Students will appreciate how amazing sloths are, how they are mentioned in the Bible, and how we must care for them and their future. The parables and character-building lessons provide a greater understanding of how God uses His creatures to teach vital truths that affect our lives. Includes a Teacher’s answer key and a link to the Summer 2019 Digital Edition of Creation Illustrated magazine ($2.99 value)! Enjoy a savings with this downloadable digital PDF Unit Study Lesson.

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Creation Illustrated