Creation Week

ONLY $7.95 - SAVE 20% OFF reg. price of $9.95 -- This 7-Day Creation Unit Study will bring all a deeper appreciation of our Creator and what He did on ALL 7 days of the Creation week. (typically for Grades 5-8 but adaptable to other grades and ages). Students will even enjoy learning some Hebrew definitions as they explore the first chapter of Genesis and see how important it is to study God’s word carefully. The lessons include Reading, Educational Videos, Bible Study, Science, Math, Geography, Vocabulary & Spelling, Art, a Puzzle, and Other Fun Facts and Activities. Students will gain a better understanding of the Creation story along with the character-building lessons God intended — for each of us to become a NEW creation in Christ Jesus. Includes a Teacher’s answer key and a link to the Fall 2018 Digital Edition of Creation Illustrated magazine ($2.99 value)! Enjoy a savings with this downloadable digital PDF Unit Study Lesson.

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Creation Illustrated